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the-chaos-tavern · 2 months ago
Introduction and Information
Hiya! I’m Yoghurt. No, that’s not my real name, but it has a funny story that I might tell someday. Who knows?
In this post, below the cut, I am gonna give you, dear Reader, some info about me, my character(s), some DNI/DNF’s and boundaries, and a list of tags, perhaps (idk, I suck at tagging but just in case, y’know?).
Enjoy your stay at the Chaos Tavern (TM)!
Why this blog?
I got into Dungeons and Dragons about 2 years ago, but because of (but not only because of) the meds I take, I have a horrible memory.
I also suck at note taking.
I (also) also love a very specific kind of chaos (aka me taking incomplete notes and, a month later, having to decipher the now unhinged shit I wrote down with the very limited context I remember).
I once wrote ‘the milk has ulterior motives bitchezzzz’ and I have no clue what it means to this day. It’s been a whole year.
Cue a tiktok about someone live-tweeting the session as their character.
*ISSUE IDENTIFIED*: I hate El*n M*sk with a burning passion, so I don’t use twitter.
Insert my newly re-discovered fondness of Tumblr. The only remaining social medium that is still somewhat not detrimental to my sanity.
Et voilà, the blog is born! I am going to be using it to take my unhinged notes in the form of live-blogging :)
Who am I?
Hi again, nice to meet you! My nicknames are Danni, Danone or Yoghurt. I don’t feel comfortable throwing out my government name into the Wild Wide Web, for numerous reasons, but mainly because I rarely use my actual name online anyway. I am a (currently) 24 year old from Belgium. My pronouns are she/her/they/them.
I love animals (ALL of them, with the exception of mosquitoes and spiders when they randomly decide to jumpscare me between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., specifically). In my free time, I like to make art, and occasionally do something out of my comfort zone, like idk, go to the movies or something.
I hate potatoes and onions with a burning passion, in all their forms, shapes, sizes and preparation methods. I am not open to people trying to get me to love either of them. Pastas and pizzas exist for a reason.
Fun fact time!
English is not my first language. That role is set aside for Flemish-Dutch. Please forgive my typo-infused, chaotic way of typing 😅
I am a Lesbian
Also Autistic, formally diagnosed
I am small in size (there’s a lot of banter that stems from that)
Puns. Please give me all the puns.
Do Not Follow, Do Not Interact and Other Boundaries
Don’t follow if:
You are younger than 16. This is due to crass language. I will occasionally be checking accounts to read the bio to verify. You will be removed from my followers if you have an age in there that is 15 or younger.
You hate fantasy. This is a D&D blog. Use your brain.
This blog does not spark joy for you. No point in following something that doesn’t make you happy, right?
Don’t interact if:
You hate anyone for any arbitrary reason. This includes, but is not limited to transphobes, xenophobes, racists, eugenics-supporters, lgbtqia+ -haters, A.I.-apologists, pro-lifers, MAGA and any right-wing voters.
You think pedophiles are part of the queer community. They are not, and you are sick for thinking that we as a community accept them.
Are Trump, Musk, Zuckerberg or anyone of Schild en Vrienden (radical rightwing party/community in the Dutch speaking parts of Belgium)
You can’t handle swearwords, bad jokes, dark humour and missing context. Again, if it doesn’t spark joy for you, please don’t train your algorithm to show you related content.
Other boundaries:
No dick-pics
No (anon)- hate towards literally anyone
No real-life trauma-dumping. If something on this blog is relatable to you, you can tell me, I don’t want to have all the details. That’s what a therapist, or your own blog/journal is for.
No asks that you know deep down aren’t okay to send. Use your common sense
If you happen to know which campaign I am in, please try not to interfere in how we play it.
I know this seems like a lot, but I’d rather be very clear about what I don’t tolerate, since the list of things that I do tolerate is much, MUCH longer. If you use your common sense, I’m pretty sure you’re at least 90% safe, so don’t worry ;)
My characters:
Or, well, the one I am currently playing at least. I will update the list after the first session with a new character.
I play a Warlock/Bard Satyr named Danaë, in a campaign set in Ancient Greece, but slightly to the left, since it’s still fantasy. AU!Greece, if you will. She is one of the main voices of reason (declared as such by both DM’s) within the party, and refuses to acknowledge her Fae ancestry.
<<<This campaign ended before I could start blogging about it>>>
More to be added. Like the one I'm starting soon. I'll play a half-elf Bard named Agnes. According to the Councilheads (the pair of DMs) it'll be situated around the French Revolution. My friends are history nerds, if this wasn't already clear as a fucking magnifying glass.
Tags I (hope to) use:
Current campaign/character: #Agnes the bard
Mood tags:
#funny shit
#infuriating things my party members do
Art tags:
#danni does art
#yoghurt does art
#danone does art
#artsy fartsy
Other tags:
#not d&d
I tend to ramble and rant in the tags, and I can only use 30 #’s per post, so I might forget the tags listed above by accident.
We also usually do the session from 8 p.m. until after midnight. Sometimes even until early morning, so if something absolutely doesn’t make sense, feel free to ask, but know that I will be blogging whilst sleepdrunk.
I hope you will enjoy going on this adventure with me!
0 notes
the-bramble--patch · 2 years ago
Can I tell y’all a little more about that zine I just posted?
I made Sustainable Fashion for the Solarpunk for a college class I took this semester on the climate crisis. I was tasked with creating an action project for communicating a facet of the problem and some potential solutions to community members. I chose to make a zine on sustainable fashion. When I handed them out myself, I attached a piece of cloth large enough for a patch, a length of thread, and an embroidery needle to the last page, so that anyone who was curious to try the tutorials would have no roadblocks to getting started. Here’s some in-process pics (edited to remove personal details):
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Having finished my kits I bundled up and delivered them to little free libraries throughout the city!
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In total I put out 16 zines across five little free libraries. When I checked back in a week later, only five zines were left! Eleven zines isn’t really a huge amount, but it was very exciting to feel as though I made a tangible (if small) impact on my community. Praxis, or whatever.
I’m hoping to do another round of these in my hometown. It was really exciting and hopefully it changed some minds about clothing consumption.
If you feel like doing the same thing, the zine is available on my ko-fi! But seriously, zine-making is so easy and fun and you should totally make your own if you’re passionate about a subject. Share em everywhere. It’s great.
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thorntopieces · 2 months ago
Your osdd!goro au is so very interesting I'd be happy to see more *kisses you on the forehead*
I'm so glad to hear that! It's been my baby for almost a year now. Actually, have a 1.5k post-canon one-shot (below the cut) for you. Do note that it has not been edited beyond cursory checking for spelling errors.
Content warnings: talks of mental health, spoilers all way to the true ending of persona 5, talks of violence. The subject matter does not get darker than the darkest points of Persona 5
Due to the nature of Goro’s condition, it’s not very common that they see much of the other facets, with the exception of the Detective Prince, who is almost always present when in public. They still don’t have an official name for the condition, at least not on paper, but after intense research on the subject it’s more or less agreed upon that it’s an identity-altering, dissociative disorder, since that also matches up with what Maruki had told them.
They’d actually sat down with him following the reality altering, after he’d been defeated to get the answers out of him and also to get some closure.
“There’s something about you,” Maruki had said to Goro. “I noticed the same in Akira, actually. You seem to experience high levels of dissociation. Pardon me for asking, but you didn’t happen to have a Palace prior to the collapse of the Metaverse, did you?”
Goro had stared at him, hard and still.
“You tell me, doctor,” he had said so flat it would almost sound polite if you didn’t see the expression on his face. “You saw it fit to tamper with my brain and you saw how much it fucked me up. I had to go through a sixth Awakening thanks to the stress you put me under. So why don’t you say what’s actually on your mind and show me the research you did to attempt to make me fit into your disgusting ‘perfect reality’. Really, doctor, I think it’s the least you could do. Even if you feel no remorse for what you did to me, don’t you think it’s particularly cruel that you re-traumatised Sakura-san, Okumura-san and Nijima-san after they had finished processing the death of their parents? I think it was.”
Maruki shifts uncomfortably on his couch. “Of course, Akechi-kun. You’re of course right. Excuse me a moment.”
And with that, Maruki vanishes down the hallway of the apartment, presumably to a home office of some sort.
Goro turns to Akira with a frown. “I want to get my hands on the only copies of whatever papers he has on me and then get out of here. My head hurts like a bitch.”
Akira agrees easily. To be entirely honestly, he doesn’t want to be here either, he’s been feeling hazy all morning, possibly a side effect of the new medication. But school starts again next week and they want this chapter of their life closed off before returning to classes.
They’ll be out of here in a bit.
Maruki comes back a few minutes later, two folders in hand. “These are all the papers I have on the two of you. You’re free to look over them here and ask any questions you may have. The language is quite dense and full of codes, I’m afraid.”
To no one’s surprise, Akira’s file is noticeably thicker than Akechi, containing summaries of all of their meetings, emails sent between him and Tae (understandable, as Maruki had actually been his therapist), notes on potential diagnoses and treatment plans should he ever need more acute or intensive care.
One section stands out to him. F48.1:V.
“What does this mean?” he asks Maruki. Maruki peers at it for a moment but shakes his head.
“Sorry, I don’t recall off the top of my head. One moment, I’ll retrieve the book and you can read it for yourself.”
Half a minute later the small header stares up at him. F48.1 Depersonalisation-derealisation syndrome. Well, that’s what about Tae had told him with an added disclaimer that she wasn’t a mental health specialist.
“It’s a stress disorder,” Maruki explains. “The ‘V’ next to it means that it’s suspected. I never diagnosed either of you, or any of the others formally. It’s not something I should or could do without your and a guardian’s consent. It’s not in any of your official paperwork.”
“And the disorder?” Akira ask. “I really appreciate that you never formally filed it, doctor, but I really would appreciate it if you’d get to the point so we can look through Goro’s file and leave.”
“Oh — yes, of course,” Maruki says hurriedly. “The short of it is that you have main symptoms. Depersonalisation is when you don’t feel real in relation to your surroundings and derealisation is when your surroundings feel real in relation to you. Reduced ability to feel your emotions, dulled sensory input or feeling like you’re acting out a role in a series as opposed to acting as your own person are ways this can present as. It may also be accompanied with forgetfulness and memory loss, but it’s not required.”
Akira shrugs. “Sure.”
Goro makes a sound next o him. “When did you work on this file of me, exactly?”
Maruki looks away. “I think I started it after the school summer break. Akira mentioned you in a few meetings. No personal information, just that you were acquainted.”
“I wanted to know if there was anything I could do to lessen the guilt of hanging out with you despite knowing that my friends didn’t like you,” Akira says quietly. It sounds stupid now, in retrospect. “There are no secrets between us, doctor. You can tell him about anything I discussed during our meetings.”
“It mentions some of my televised appearances,” Goro says with only a minute expression of distaste on his face. “Some notes from your meetings, Akira. And that random meeting on Christmas Day.”
Goro looks up at him. “And with only this information did you see it fit to stitch my brain back together with zero regard for how that might affect me. Tell me, doctor, aren’t you wholly unequipped to deal with people like me? Did it not worry you in the least when I broke down? Did you not wonder for a moment why my brain works the way it does? That it might just be a very essential protective mechanism?”
Maruki looks stricken. “I must admit that I didn’t realise at first. Genuinely, I thought you had let the façade play on too long and then the source of your pain was due to the inability to consolidate the real you with the ideal you. I knew the moment I attempted to change your cognition that I’d messed up and I was about to undo it when you broke out of it entirely on your own.”
Goro snarls, freezes for a few seconds before something truly terrifying takes over his face. Akira had expected it, but Maruki clearly hadn’t, based on his brief look of concern.
“He broke out of it ‘all on his own’ by Awakening for the sixth fucking time, okay,” Loki spits. “He was around for the other five. You only did it once. Can you imagine doing it multiple times? He still has nightmares bout it. What you did almost killed him, doctor.”
“I understand,” Maruki says, doing a remarkably good job at appearing entirely unaffected by the outburst. “I realised. It was what lead me to question if my pursuit was as just and noble as I originally thought.”
“And yet we still had to fight you,” Akira says. He’s so tired. “Why?”
“It was a hunch that that was how it was supposed to go. As you may imagine the power and energy I held within me, Azathoth and Adam Kadmon, was immense. It was almost trapped within me. I literally could not let go of it on my own. When you defeated me … I don’t know where it went. Hopefully not to any one individual. No one should have that much power.”
“I know I have some,” Akira confesses. “Goro, some. Maybe other Wildcards. I donated as much of it as I could to Igor, leaving it in his hands for the next world-ending apocalypse.”
Goro’s breathing heavily next to him and when Akira hazards a look at him his expression is pinched. The headache, then.
“And what’s your verdict, doctor?” Goro bites out. “Now that you feel you have all of the facts.”
“Dissociative Disorder,” Maruki says. “Unspecified type. You appear to struggle with sensory intrusions, whether that be feelings, voices, touch or feeling like you’re being possessed. Does that sound about right?”
Goro shrugs, but doesn’t look all too surprised. “Don’t you ever attempt to stitch me back together and certainly not without my explicit permission. It is this way for a reason.”
Maruki nods (they’ve really been doing a lot of nodding today, haven’t they?). He truly does look apologetic though, Akira has to give him that. “I know,” Maruki says quietly. “I really, really understand. If you ever wish to talk to someone to help with symptom management, I’d be more than happy to recommend someone.”
They leave pretty quickly after that.
“Ah — Akira,” Maruki stops him with a hand on his shoulder. “One last thing. I’ll come by Leblanc sometime next week to drop off the files on your friends. They’re the only copies of the files that exist. I will work through Yoshizawa-san’s file with her and her father directly so they can be transferred to her next therapist. She may express an interest in having you there to mediate in regards to Metaverse matters, but that decision is yours. Please be well, Akira, Akechi-kun.”
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maddy-k-reads-all-day · 3 months ago
In the garden. 
The first puzzle was really hard. Riley says that usually the answer is hidden somewhere within the episode, but Amanda wouldn’t let her replay it to check. Good thing I take notes. Sophie thought to herself. She looks through her notes. She looks around the room. There are several posters on the walls and memorabilia from all of Hameln’s different productions, with notes around them of different actors and their family members that went missing during or after production, among other odd notes about the show. Her mother told her once they realized Hameln was associated with the cult they started doing a deep dive on all their creative properties outside of Amanda. The results of this research are posted all around in sticky notes and long stapled printouts taped around the room. Like a controlled chaotic masterpiece. That’s mom for you. Sophie thought with a smile. Of course, most of the merch and stuff was from Amanda the Adventurer. Which… didn’t make things too easy. Sophie figured Amanda was going to hide it somewhere within the merch. Finally, she notices a specific poster. “Amanda the Adventurer! New Show! Starring Rebecca Colton and William Scott. Soon airing on Hameln Jr!” The poster showed Amanda and Wooly, sitting on Apples and Peaches respectively. Could this be it? Sophie recognized this poster. It was a collectors edition poster mimicking the show’s initial announcement ad. It was crazy popular and really hard for her mother to get a copy. Sophie feels the poster and realizes there’s a weird shape behind it. She gently peels back the tape on the poster revealing a safe and two tapes. One being an Amanda episode titled: In The Garden. The other being a bright cyan colored tape. Never understood why they chose to record all their evidence against Hameln on colored tapes. Sophie chose to watch the cyan tape first. It appeared rather unassuming, simply being a collection of Amanda the Adventurer commercials. There’s got to be more here… something I’m missing. Sophie thinks to herself. Oh well… I don’t have much free time. I better watch the next tape now. Sophie puts the tape in the machine. 
“Hi friends, I’m Amanda!” Amanda beams.
“And I’m Wooly!” 
“Gee it took you a while to find that tape huh? I hid it well, didn't I?” 
“Well… it only took me half an hour to find it.” 
“I had like 5 assignments due today… I had to do the dishes… and the laundry… then I watched this other tape first… so yeah… not too hard.” 
“Grrrrrrrrrr…” Amanda grumbled. 
“To-today we’re planting seeds to grow in our garden!” Wooly announces, changing the subject. 
“That’s right Wooly! Say, what kinds of plants do you like to grow?” Cacti Sophie responds. “You’re weird.” Amanda responds. The tape glitches.  “First we’re going to need to go to the store to buy some seeds, can you tell me where the store is?” Sophie clicks on the store. “Great! Let’s go-go-go-go-go-” the tape glitches again. Wow, these are so old. Sophie thinks to herself. 
“Wow there’s so many options, what are we going to grow?” Wooly asks. 
“Vegata..bles?” Wooly repeats. 
“In our new garden?” “That’s right!” Amanda beams. Wooly looks disappointed. “What is it?” 
“Nothing, I just thought we’d be growing flowers.” Wooly mumbles in an annoyed tone under his breath. 
“Flowers are boring! Vegetables are flowers you can eat!” 
“Wha- No! Flowers are pretty! They’re nice to look at and they smell nice!” 
“And they die wither and rot come fall. Good idea Wooly!” Amanda beams. 
“Wha- no!” Wooly sounds angrier at this then he should be. He stops himself and takes a deep breath. “How about this? I get flowers, you get the vegetables. Okay?” 
“Okay…” Amanda seems a little confused and uncomfortable. 
“So can you tell me where the---------” The tape glitches as Amanda and Wooly talk over each other, both glaring at each other with annoyance. 
“Sorry, you go first.” Wooly chuckles nervously. 
“Can you tell me where the vegetable seeds are?” Amanda smiles. Sophie clicks on the vegetables. “Great job!” 
“Can you tell me where the flower seeds are?” Wooly asks. Sophie clicks on them. “Thank you!”
“Now we need to pick out which vegetables we want! I want to make some BLTs at some point. So we definitely need some lettuce and tomatoes. Then maybe some cucumbers so we can have salads.”
“Honestly… that doesn’t sound so bad.” 
“Can you tell me where the seeds are?” Amanda asks. Sophie clicks on all three seeds with no problem. “Good job!” Amanda smiles.
“As for flowers I’m thinking daffodils, daisies, and… lavender…” Wooly closes his eyes wistfully. 
“It smells so good. And I remember once hearing that it can help with anxiety and sleep!” Wooly explains, “um… not that I have any problems with anxiety or sleep or anything. The point is it’s known to be a very calming flower.” 
“I guess that’s interesting…” Amanda sighs. 
“Can you tell me where those are?” Wooly asks. Sophie clicks on the correct flowers. “Yay! These are going to look so pretty in the yard.” 
“Now let’s go home so we can plant these seeds!” Amanda tells us. The tape glitches back to the back yard. “I have all the gardening tools laid out here. What do we need first?” Sophie clicks on the shovel. “That’s… right…” Amanda says, then she shakes it off. “First we need to plant the seeds!”
“Be sure to look at the instructions on the back!” Wooly instructs.
“Wooly… there are no instructions on the back…” “Oh… there are in real life though…” Wooly sighs. 
 “First we dig a hole about this deep, then we put the seeds in…” “I’m starting to think we should’ve gotten plants instead.” Wooly thinks out loud. 
“Well the store only has seeds, Wooly.” 
“Ah… haha… Bummer.” 
“Anyway we planted the seeds. Now what do they need?” “Fertilizer!” Wooly announces. Water Sophie types. 
“Water!” Amanda beams. 
“What? No, they'll grow faster with fertilizer!” Wooly protests. 
“But the only place we can get that is the farm.” Amanda replies. 
“No! I don’t want to go baaaack there!” Wooly panics. Amanda looks… a little guilty. 
“Yeah I know. Which is why we don’t have fertilizer.” Amanda sighs. 
“I’m sorry…” 
“It’s fine Wooly.” “What do we use to water the seeds?” Sophie clicks on the watering can. “Riiiight.” Amanda says slowly. She starts to water the plants. 
“Don’t water them too much!” Wooly warns. 
“I know Wooly, I got this.” Amanda sighs. “There. Now we wait.” Amanda and Wooly stand there waiting for a bit. 
“Huh? Usually when we do this episode they grow immediately.”
“It’s probably because we don’t have fertilizer.” Amanda deduces. “Guess we’ll have to… get some.” Wooly looks terrified. “Wooly, the episode won’t end until the plants grow!” Amanda reminds him. 
“So? We can play some more right?” Wooly laughs nervously. Amanda bits her lip. 
“How about this, you stay home and keep an eye on the plants so the birds don’t eat the seeds.” Amanda suggests, “And I go to the farm.” 
“Okay…” Wooly sighs. The tape glitches to the farm. But both Amanda and Wooly are there. 
“Oh… I guess… the show won’t let you do that.” Amanda notes, she sees Wooly panicking, “It’s just the farm stand, not the petting zoo. You should be fine. We’ll be quick.” Amanda reussers him. But he says nothing. “Wooly, you can talk, you know.” Amanda says. 
“Oh, okay…” Wooly mumbles. 
“Can you tell the farmer what we need?” Amanda asks. The “farmer” is a motionless scarecrow, placed between the crops and the farm stand. Sophie types in fertilizer. “That’s right! Now let’s go home!”
“Aww… it’s a lonely kitt-” The tape glitches back to the backyard.
“I’m fine? I’m… fine. I’m fine!” Wooly gasps, fully relieved and almost a little excited. Amanda looks away. “Haha! Hahahaha! Take that stupid farm! Sheep says Baaa! No more! Haha!” 
“Glad you’re happy Wooly.” Amanda sighs tiredly, “But uh… the flower bed is all dug up.” 
“They’re what now?” Wooly stops in his tracks. Amanda checks the beds for seeds.  
“No no no no! The birds ate all our seeds! Now we’ll have to plant them all OVER again!” Amanda screams. “GRAH!” she stamps her foot. 
“Don’t worry Amanda, we still have more seeds, we can plant them again!” Wooly reussers her. 
“Yeah but aren’t you frustrated?” Amanda asks, “Aren’t you mad?” 
“I… I uh…” Wooly freezes up, “Let’s get these… seeds… pla-planted…”  the tape glitches and the seeds are all planted again. “Whew! That was a lot of work! Now let’s add fertilizer!” Wooly smiles. Sophie clicks and drags the fertilizer to each plant. 
“Now what do we use to water them?” Amanda questions. Sophie clicks on the watering can. “That’s right.” 
“Can I water them this time?” Wooly asks. 
“Sure Wooly!” Amanda says cheerfully. Wooly creates little moats around the holes and waters them. 
“Gotta make a moat to protect the castle from invaders!” Wooly laughs. The tape glitches and the plants are watered. “Now we wait.” This time, Amanda and Wooly watch as the plants slowly rise from the ground. “Yay! Now we can pick our plants!” Amanda beams and the tape ends. Now to find that next tape… Sophie thinks.
Authors note: Finally managed to finish this one. Have been doing a lot more editing on the recent episodes. Trying to figure out the future of this fic series lol.
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smolwritingchick · 1 month ago
Hi! Hi!
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Writing and things are going well. I'm on vacation so I have much more free time to finally be able to unwind and write like I want. It's been a very productive few days so I'm super happy to be back in my element after a long while. I'm gonna answer the asks and write the requests after I update my stories.
Wrestling chapters are just about done. Bangtan Gal is going well but not done yet. Trying to work on having a nice handful of chapters done to make up for the long wait. Once everything is done I'll update both stories at the same time. I'll give a date of when I'll update when I'm officially done everything and all I'd have to do is reread and edit. Right now, I still can't give a time frame just yet but I hope to not make the wait this long ever again. Cause oof this was bad. Sheesh time flew.
But for Bangtan Gal here's a smol preview of what's to come:
Just a warning for the first scene as it talks about fan hate and death threats. Again when I do post these chapters, I apologize in advance for all the harmful and hurtful words for the chapter. Also all of these are works in progress and subject to change.
Strolling around the dorm, taking a break from working on music, Yoongi decided to walk to Jennie's room to check on her. It was good that she was still doing fine despite all the chaos of the relationship reveal and MAMA Awards drama. But he still wanted to see if she was all right.
Gently opening up the door, he noticed that no one was in there and began to look confused.
"Smartie?" he asked, looking around.
Curious about her whereabouts, he pulled up his phone to track her shared location.
With Jennie, she sat on the ground, looking up at the sky, enjoying the solitude of Han River. Dressed in all black with a hoodie over her head as she was bundled up, she was incognito as she enjoyed her alone time.
It was nice to get a moment to herself to breathe and be away from the flashing cameras and constant screaming over her relationship. The pros and cons of being famous. She couldn't wait for people to freak out over a new topic. Overall, she felt good. Her head was still in a good space as she surrounded herself with good people and did not let toxic social media ruin her mental health. Taking a break from social media was the best choice. And as hard of a choice as it was…taking a break from fan meetings was also the best decision.
"Jennifer," a deep voice called out.
Turning her head, she smiled as she watched Yoongi approach her and take a seat beside her.
"Hey, Yoongi. Sorry, didn't feel like sleeping just yet,"
"I understand. I figured you'd be here when I checked your location. You doing ok?"
She chuckled, dryly. "Living the dream. But honestly, I am just tired of the constant media attention over Jungkook and me. Ugh, it's exhausting. It's even worse at school. The teachers are even worse like damn, can we learn?"
Yoongi let her continue to vent as he listened, giving her his undivided attention. He pulled a few packs of Smarties from his pocket for her to munch on as she thanked him and proceeded to vent.
"Would it be such a big deal if I wasn't black? They act like interracial relationships are something scary. It shouldn't even be a big deal. It's been a bit rough seeing the death threats. Come at me but don't go after my family and friends. I even saw some bringing up that if I have kids, they want to harm them. Like? The fuck? Really? Is it really that deep? I'm not even thinking about the idea of having kids, right now, but damn. Shit is rough. Really rough. But I'm going to be ok. And I know you guys will be there to protect me, too. Me and Jungkook. And I know that no matter what, I'm loved and appreciated. I will continue to do my best to drown out the noise. Honestly, this is all just making me want to keep my distance. Take a step back. I know I'm the one who gives the big fan service but the true supporters will understand that I need this. I need a break. I just want to be with my friends and family and work in silence as I stay in BTS. I'll still do the tour, I'll still do my thing but it'll be a little while until I can bounce back and see the fans for fan events,"
She let out a sigh. "It's just really us against the world, huh? My idol friend circle is going to become smaller and smaller. I don't fuck with Amber no more. She completely took Hyuna's side. And you know Hyuna is a done deal. There is no coming back from that bullshit she pulled. No one is reaching out to see if I'm ok except for Hayoon and the 97 Liners in the group chat. But damn, it's like some people that I thought would have my back, really don't give a fuck. It's crazy. But you know what? I'm disappointed but not surprised. Because I was warned that not everybody is your friend. And as we continue to be in this industry and get bigger and bigger, we really need to make sure that we're cautious about who we let into our circle. I'm so fucking serious, Yoongi,"
Yoongi nodded and pulled her into his arms as she leaned her head against his shoulder.
"All this fake love, it's bullshit," she added. "And I refuse to let any of you guys get taken advantage of by clout chaser and fakeassness. Over my dead body. It is on fucking sight once we break into the American music industry."
"Oh…you auditioning for Arjana from Black Panther?" Hana asked Jennie behind the counter.
Jennie smiled under her mask. "Yeah, I am. I'm nervous but Hayoon recommended that you're the best person to help,"
"My girlfriend knows best," she beamed. "It's nice to meet you, Jennie. She told me a lot about you. Thank you for being by her side, all the time. She's lucky to have a good friend like you,"
"Nah, I'm the lucky one. She's been the best. It's nice to meet the person who has been making her so happy. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me,"
"Thank you. So, talk to me. When is the audition and what are they doing?"
"Ok, my audition is in a few days. All I can really say is that the role is small for now and they plan to film a scene here in South Korea and want Arjana's introduction to be there,"
"Hm…the big factor is Arjana's walk and her signature catchphrases. Hayoon told me a big reason why they wanted you to try out the role is because your signature walk is something they see in Arjana. The fact that your Mama Award performance is still talked about to this day is amazing. I understand why the casting directors are interested in seeing what you can do. But just a walk isn't going to get you the role. From the videos I've seen of you, you have her mannerisms down but you need to fully embrace the character,"
"Thank you and that's why I'm here. I was going to buy some black panther comics to prepare. I wanted to read up on her and get a feel of how she carries herself,"
"Wait, don't pick that comic up,"
"Why not?"
Hana walked around the counter and grabbed a few comics of Black Panther. "If you want to nail that audition and make the role your own, these are the only comics you need to read. Read these and you're good to go,"
"That's it? Just these?"
"Yep. The rest will be elementary. I personally like the enemies to lovers trope. I'm interested to see how Bucky and Arjana will look on the big screen. Keep me updated on your progress,"
"Korean fried chicken wings?" Jennie stared at Jungkook dumbfounded as she glanced from him to the two items in his hands.
"Yeah, you said pads with wings. This was it, right? These are the wings you usually like," he responded innocently with his doe eyes meeting her confused look, hoping she was happy with what he purchased.
Suddenly she began laughing. "I said pads with wings,"
"Yeah, this is the pads and these are the wings you wanted," Jungkook set them down on her table.
"Jungkook, pads with wings,"
"That's what I got for you. What's wrong?" he looked confused as he checked the items.
Those period cramps subsided as she proceeded to giggle at how he misinterpreted her request. It was cute. She appreciated the gesture.
"Babe, I meant pads with wings. The wings are connected with the pads. Not wings as in food,"
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait what? There are pads with wings? That's a thing?"
Shaking her head in amusement, she approached him and kissed his cheek.
"Yes! Haha, anyway, thank you, I'll enjoy these,"
Feeling protected with Jungkook standing behind her as his competitiveness radiated off him, Jennie leaned back against him with her arms crossed. The two watched the first 2 V 2 volleyball match at ISAC 2017, pointing out their competition.
Suddenly their two opponents approached them and the girl glanced up and down at them in disgust. "Ugh. You two still together? Yikes,"
Unphased, Jennie smirked and let out a chuckle. "Womp Womp. So, you wanna forfeit now or later?"
She rolled her eyes. "As if I'm losing to you again,"
"Hey, I'm just trying to save yourself from the embarrassment. Don't say I didn't warn you," she shrugged, feeling Jungkook wrap an arm around her shoulder as she wrapped an arm around his waist. "Good luck out there, you're going to need it for talking all that shit earlier,"
"Oh, it's stuck. Should I just eat it all?" Jennie murmured as she tried to move the extra perilla leaf that was in between her chopsticks.
"I got it," DK began to move his chopsticks near hers.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook's chopsticks intercepted his, catching him by surprise.
"What? Her leaf got stuck,"
"Yeah, I didn't want to be greedy. What's wrong?" Jennie looked at him in confusion.
"Okay, I know it might be a bit over the top to ask but the worst you can say is no. Um…so I have a song that I'm workin' on for my new album. I really would love for you to be a part of it, if you feel comfortable. I-I'll pay whatever you want for the feature. Just let me know. This song is really nice and I feel like you'd fit it well," Layla nervously requested.
Jennie chuckled. "Layla, relax. It's cool. Send it. I'll listen to it,"
"Really? Thank you. I just sent it. Let me know what you think,"
After she sent the song, Jennie took the time to listen to it, enjoying Layla's vocals. Nodding in approval, she decided to accept it.
"Are you sure? You're really cool with it?"
"Hell yeah, let's make a banger. For old time's sake,"
"Thank you. We'll have fun. How much do you want?"
After Jennie told her the rates, Miss Bangtan requested, "Just do me a favor and donate half of it to some of these organizations I've been supporting,"
"You got it," Layla wrote the information down.
“Increase your speed. And put more emotion. Where is that intensity? You sound weak, no one will believe your verse with that energy.”
“Rap faster? Wasn’t that fast enough?” Jen sighed and took off her headphones, turning her chair to Yoongi.
“No. And your lack of energy is ruining the flow. Don’t do that.” he sternly replied.
Shaking her head, she responded, “I can’t…I can’t keep up with all that you’re telling me to do.”
“Yes, you can.”
“Yoongi, that’s the best I can do. I need to breathe and-“
“Well, continue practicing so your breathing technique can increase. Come back to me when you learned to rap faster and we’ll move on. And do me a favor and stop saying you can’t do it. I did not give you a couple years of my time to teach you about rapping for you to tell me to my face that you can’t do it. I hate when you say that shit. Why can’t you see your potential like I can? You can rap faster, stop with the excuses. That’s enough for today.” he dismissed her and placed his headphones on his ears to work on his music.
She rolled her eyes, irritated with the rapper. He didn’t have to be so blunt like that. She couldn’t rap faster than that, why couldn’t he just let it go?   As days went by, practicing didn’t help that much and she decided to ask Hobi and Namjoon for help.
“Sorry, munchkin but Yoongi told us not to help you.”
“Are you fucking serious…?” she narrowed her eyes at them, making Hobi gulp and take a step back while Namjoon widened his eyes at her sudden mood change. “You know what? It’s cool.” She walked away.
She then thought of Jungkook, since he usually rapped a lot when they first debuted and went up to him.
“Babe, can you please help me?” she asked.
But then Jungkook remembered Yoongi telling him, “Look, I know that you two are dating and all but do not help her with the rapping. I want her to practice on her own. Do not help her, got it? If you do, I’m destroying all your Iron Man stuff.” He threatened.
Jungkook had shivered at the thought and smiled nervously at her,
“Ah…sorry babe, Hyung told me not to help you.” he rubbed the back of his neck.
Jennie chuckled, unamused, and shook her head. She was going to kill Yoongi for this. What part of her needing help doesn’t he understand?
He really put all the members on lockdown.
It took a little over a few weeks for her to get up to the speed that he wanted. As she worked, Yoongi never asked how she was progressing. He just waited. He was patient. He didn’t look annoyed that she was taking a while to get it and after getting over that stubbornness, she was grateful for his bluntness and patience. 
Unaware, Yoongi would sometimes listen to her progress, smirking softly at her improvement.
“You’re almost there, smartie…keep practicing,” he mumbled to himself.
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biccyssafespace · 5 months ago
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🍼 Welcome to my safe space .ᐟ
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☁️ Blog introduction below the cut .ᐟ 🐥
Hello my name is biccy! before i start my intro take a look at my dni! and thank you for coming
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DNI CRITERIA: tw for below & i block freely for anybody who makes me uncomfortable
N$FW K!INK G0RE anti-agere/age regression, non child friendly. basic dni; homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, etc. misogynistic, racist, ableist, discriminatory, weightshaming; bodyshaming etc. invalidates a persons pronouns / gender / identity. says slurs you cant reclaim, p*dophile, sexualizes minors/fictional minors/children. pr0shippers, c0mshippers, ships ab*sive/toxic ships, jokes about sexual crimes. ddlg/ddlb/mdlb/clg, supports or justifies etc any of these. wriothesley and/or dottore fans im personally uncomfortable with these characters due to personal reasons and would prefer if you dont interact!/nbr Vivziepop media fans (helluva boss, hazbin hotel). people who fetishize gay men or lesbians & please do not repost my posts with f/o, kin, id tags!/nbr
my DNI is subject to be changed/updated in the future.
also please dont use my creations unless its a request or you ask/its stated you can! like personal things i make for my blog
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🍼 > I go by Biccy or any nicknames! im nonbinary and go by gender neutral terms ! my most used pronouns are they/them
🐥 } I’m not comfortable sharing my big age but i am a minor! my little age is 5-7
🍼 > I am Autistic, i experience verbal shutdowns and have hyperfixations! I’m Physically disabled and chronically ill. I’m a Trauma regressor and this blog is what i use to help me regress/cope while focusing on being a kid!
🐥 }
🍼 > tags: biccys moodboards, biccys stimboards, biccys requests, biccy talking. (currently trying out stimboards on my own not doing requests of them yet though)
🐥 } I am new to doing requests so please be patient with me and be specific with your requests! (ex: if you want a paci or not) i take Moodboard, (trying stimboards too!) Paci edit, DNI banner, “(character) protects this blog!” banner requests! (There may be more things added/things removed in the future so check back for updates!) also p.s if i never respond to your ask its cus i lost it :( please send another if its been almost a week and theres no response! , please note also im better at doing requests for characters/fandoms/media i know of so please bare that in mind, however feel free to request any!
🍼 > Please be aware i have anxiety and lots of trouble talking with people expecially 1 on 1! so please do not dm this account at all/nbr/nm if you have anything to say outside of requests too please keep it in the ask box!/srs
My blog is SFW ONLY and i will ignore anything otherwise.
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^_^ My interests 🐣 . . . !
}- Splatoon, Pokemon, Ducks, MHA, Cats, Cookie run, Animal crossing, Rei Ayanami, Reverse 1999, Ocs, Octonauts, Bluey, My little pony, Apex legends, Minecraft,
🐤 < Im more likely to give better output with requests on fandoms im familiar with ! however i will take requests regardless of being on my interest list; despite…
}- Problematic
}- Genshin Impact
}- Ship related
}- Nsfw/Suggestive etc
}- My dni
}- MHA (Nothing bad i just don’t want to do requests for it!)
}- Real/Alive people
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Finally thank you for stopping by my safe space!
^_^ I hope you have a wonderful time here. ☁️
Gif credits —> X 💭 X | Layout credit —> X
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fyeah7kpp · 3 months ago
7KPP Holiday Gift Exchange 2024-2025
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Hello, my dears and happy December!
I had mentally set a little cut-off of seven people to answer the poll saying they were interested in participating in a gift exchange this year to determine whether we would have one this year, and that number has been met, so it's time for signing up for the gift exchange! Even if you did not answer the poll and/or said you would not participate, if you are interested, feel free to sign up! If you did say you would participate and have changed your mind, that's okay too!
For those interested in signing up, the spreadsheet can be found here. Please fill it out and include as much information as possible, to make it easier for your gifter to decide what to gift you! The deadline for signing up will be 11:59 pm EST on December 21, 2024. After this, I will set up the drawing. No new names added will be added to the drawing after the deadline. However, the spreadsheet will be available for editing for those who want to provide more information after signups. As a reminder, the posting day will be tentatively set to February 14, 2025, but this may be subject to change as we check in with our participants.
Since the game will be out for over 7 months by the time the posting day rolls around, spoilers for the full game are allowed, unless specified by the participant in the spreadsheet! Please respect people's preferences on this matter, and spoiler tag anything for those who are following along!
As in previous years, there is absolutely no pressure to participate, but if you are interested, please feel free. The guidelines for gifts are open, though we have generally stuck to fan creations. For some gift ideas or just to see what cool and creative presents people have made, feel free to check out previous years’ collections, which can all be found on this tumblr!
If you have any questions or concerns, please send me an ask either here or to @angstmongertina or any of our other mods, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Happy holidays!
-Mod Tina
Disclaimer: Just as before, I am in no way affiliated with Aly other than having an appreciation for the game and this is not any sort of “official” gift exchange. That being said, it’s always nice to celebrate with friends, especially after a long, stressful year, so let’s enjoy!
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littlemissclandestine · 1 year ago
Why I think Russell Adler is going to make a comeback in COD 2024
WARNING⚠️: Contains spoilers for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
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Disclaimer: This is all just speculation on my behalf of course. I've just tried piecing stuff together for fun because Russ is one of my fave BO characters even though he's a bitch but i need more Adler content stat. <33
Let's get into it peeps. HEAR ME OUT.
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Buckle up. Gonna be one hell of a ride folks 🤪
We'll start off with some random/background info.
Russ was born on February 12th 1937 so that would make him 53/54 in the Gulf War era. This actually isn't that old because if you think about it, Woods was about to turn 51 in 1981 during the Cold War campaign. What's a few more years?
We last saw Adler in action post-campaign in Warzone 1.0 cinematics but we've been kept in the dark about Adler's whereabouts post-1984 (after being brainwashed and killing Stitch LOL).
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This meanie in a beanie wasn't forgotten about, oh no. He appears in the new cinematic intros on startup for both MWII (2022) and MWIII (2023). See below:
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He was also featured twice in the 20 year anniversary video for Call of Duty whereas COD Ghosts didn't even get an appearance (ouch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_w5HmxsPI
I personally believe Adler was a great addition to the Black Ops roster and is essentially the new Black Ops 'cover boy' now. Would be such a shame and a missed opportunity not to include a character like him in the upcoming COD. One who is morally grey, does whatever he deems necessary to get the job done - a bit like Cpt. Price in MW. Got the COD fans riled up about him brainwashing and pulling the trigger on Bell too - he's already got the spotlight in both a good and bad way.
Now, let's explore my main reasoning as to why I think Mr Shades 2.0 is most likely coming back in late 2024...
🎖️First up: Gulf War mission list 🔫
Here are some of the campaign missions that will be featured in Black Ops Gulf War. Obviously, this is subject to change, however, going off what we have, look closely...
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Credit: @MWIIINTEL on Twitter/X
Safehouse guys...SAFEHOUSE. Takes you right back to Cold War, doesn't it? Ugh the potential.
🕵️ Next up: The campaign for COD 2024 will dive into the CIA's role/the Black Ops timeline 🕘
I took the following snippet from this official article.
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From this, we know there will be a huge focus on the CIA and who's a CIA clandestine special officer? Mhm, you guessed it - Russell Adler.
Now, according to the events of BO2, it's evident which characters have the possibility of returning out of our original BO trio - Jason Hudson, Frank Woods and Alex Mason.
💫 Alex is presumed dead after Frank shot him so he's out the picture in '90/91 until 2025 when they canonically meet again.
🪵 Woods would be in his 60s during this time too so I'll let you decide whether that's too old for him to be in GW.
Edit: Woods got SPAS-12'd in the kneecaps on Dec 20th 1989 by Raul Menendez so uh...yeah
🧊 Hudson died on Dec 20th 1989 at the hands of Raul Menendez.
Feel free to check out this website (Call of Duty Wiki) for an outline of the events after CW to remind yourself. Here's a link to the Black Ops timeline from there.
➡️ Gulf War being a direct sequel to Cold War and what that could mean 💉
That brings me onto the rest of the safehouse crew. Since GW is a direct sequel to CW, it would make sense for some characters to carry over if possible:
We, as the player/Bell, get to choose whether Park or Lazar die (or both lovebirds) in 'End of the Line'. It's highly unlikely they'll return unless the devs make one decision canon maybe.
There could be a chance we see Sims again given his bond with Adler (Da Nang etc.), his age (late 40s in GW) and his status (alive).
That leaves the man himself, Russ. Everything from his age to the fact he's CIA and was the deuteragonist in COD 2020's campaign just makes sense for him to have at least a lil cameo or even a larger role, don't you think?
📱Finally: Hints from official posts 🔎
This post from Call of duty's official Instagram account kind of sealed the deal for me.
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Oh lookie - they dropped syringe-lover's famous line in a zombies post. Why would COD just drop it so casually like that without a reason and years after CW came out? They could've said absolutely anything else but no, this was purposeful.
And that's all for this episode guys and gals!
Thank you for reading!! 🫂
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Do what you will with all this information but I have concluded in my silly little brain that scarface is coming back.
How he's only in one game is beyond me. Won't get a character like him ever again. Seems like a cliché war dude at first glance but dig a little deeper into the details of the CW campaign, peel back the layers and get into his psychology and WOWZERS.
Am I delusional? Most definitely.
But the possibility he might be returning...that little bit of hope is enough for me and i won't shut up about it.
This will age horribly if he isn't in GW. Forgive me for feeding your delusions too in that case. Please?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them! 😊
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aurekiwi · 9 months ago
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞... 𝒦𝒾𝓌𝒾 🌺
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welcome to my blog (˶◕‿◕˶✿) !
about me | inbox open | support me
below, i provide some helpful links to make your experience on this blog a lot better. please feel free to surf through all the links and see how you like it ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
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personal readings closed
for defined time periods, i open up personal readings for the members of my blog! feel free to participate whenever they're open and make sure to follow all the rules. participate when i announce that they're open.
celebrity readings open
celebrity readings are almost always open. i do kpop, non-kpop, and western celebrities. please give me time to familiarize myself with some celebrities that i don't know prior to doing readings for them.
pick-a-card readings open
new addition to the blog! i thought it'd be nice to have some pac readings out to make readings from this blog feel more general and accessible.
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paid service options
if you'd like to have an overview of the different options that are currently available, please check the link above. i'll constantly be updating the post to make sure it reflects my commissions page.
ko-fi commissions
please head over here if you'd like to purchase a reading from me.
my policies: all policies subject to update. all readings are non-refundable after the purchase. do not scam Kiwi/999Kuromi or recharge the money back after receiving the reading. i usually take 1-3 business days (i.e. only do them on weekdays) to email your reading to you. please provide feedback!
shortened edition for $3
this is a special opportunity! if you want a specific reading from my commissions listings but feel that they're a bit too expensive, please pay only $3 for a 1-page maximum in-depth reading of your desired reading topic. policies are the same as stated in the "ko-fi commissions" section written above!
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all general | personal readings | paid readings
i've split the feedback into three different categories so that you can look for feedback more specifically depending on which service you want to utilize. thank you so much for your support!
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★~(◡ω◡✿) i accept tips & payments via ko-fi 💚⚡️ 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐢𝐰𝐢
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itstheinktank · 7 months ago
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Hey folks, Kuro here! It’s time for another update. Here’s everything you need to know about what we’ve been up to, and where we are going from here. 
DWAYNEMCDUFFIE.COM The biggest news of all is definitely Dwayne McDuffie’s website relaunching. A surplus of scripts, production information, and series bibles were posted, and it’s literally a dream come true for me. Reading through the forums was part of my daily routine for years growing up, and after his passing, losing the website really hit home. I’ve been waiting a decade for it to relaunch, but when it did, I had already planned to go out of town for a few days, so the timing was terrible on my end.
Let me tell ya, watching everyone dig through the website while I couldn’t participate in the madness was tough, but now that I’m back, I can’t wait to dig into it as well and see what I can find. We’ll definitely be doing at least one video on the subject. As for when that’s coming out, I couldn’t say. But please feel free to let us know if there’s anything specific you’d like us to address, and you can guarantee I’ll be taking notes! Thank you Dwayne for still keeping our world turning after all this time.
In previous updates, I’ve announced another upload hiatus. This means that we won’t be posting weekly/ bi-weekly for the time being. We will be releasing videos irregularly, such as the recent MultiVersus video, and the previously-mentioned Dwayne McDuffie Website video, but we can’t make any promises as to when we’ll resume regular uploads. There’s just too much going on for us at the moment, which I will get into further into this thread. In the meantime, I’ve been making a lot of guest appearances on other channels, and still have a few more lined-up. So keep your eyes peeled! I’ll do my best to pop up around the fandom where I can. 
These are our two biggest projects, and thus, have the most updates already, so I’ll keep it brief. 5YL Episodes 10 and 11 will be releasing together, and are quickly escalating down the pipeline. Patrons and YouTube Members have frequent check-ins, and we’re thrilled that the series has come so far. Even if you’ve already seen the webcomic version, you’re not gonna believe what we’ve pulled off for this version of the series!
Unfortunately, Ash was hit with an illness that kept him out of commission for a few weeks. But the cogs are now turning again for AB Episode 13. We’re happy he’s back on his feet, and we’ll be on another extraterrestrial adventure before you know it!
Breakdown production has obviously halted due to our hiatus, but I still feel the need to address it again, as it’s one of the biggest hits and longest-running series of our channel. I may sound like a broken record to those that keep up with our posts, but for those that don’t, I want to reiterate my love for making the Breakdowns. These other projects taking priority does not conclude that I dislike making those video anymore, or that the Ben 10 Breakdowns are canceled. One way or another, I am determined to finish this series, and I’m looking forward to sharing more of my thoughts on Omniverse and the Reboot with the community.
Recently, I have been streaming on multiple platforms during my Drawing with Kuro broadcasts. You can still find me every Tuesday on Twitch @ 2:00pm EST, but I am also broadcasting to Instagram and Facebook, too. For the time being, our second channel, The Rust Bucket, will be included in that line-up, with the goal to eventually move the streams right here on the main channel, too, but we still got some kinks to figure out before taking that plunge. 
You can commission me here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i_H7yM9I2oTmPkfSpWSUwhpm8YdZ0OhmzK-_nYNGXBA/edit?usp=sharing
5 Years Later & And Beyond have been a huge part of our journey. Even after those projects are completed, I don’t see us ever dropping Ben 10 content as a whole. Though naturally, we will gravitate more towards other projects, including original works and IPs. I am happy to say that production has already begun after receiving some exciting news. 
My plan was to plant the seeds for our future as 5YL comes to the end, and then only prioritize it when the timing is right. But unexpectedly, we’ve been given an opportunity to enter a new avenue that would be detrimental to let fall through the cracks, and thus, we’ve spent the past few months curating a super secret project that will now be a part of our regular work schedule going forward. If this sounds vague, that’s intentional, but my hands are tied! I don’t know when I’ll be able to let everyone in on the secret. 
I’m not a fan of stretching ourselves further than necessary, especially if it keeps ya’ll waiting on the projects we already have in the pipeline. Though “What will you do when 5 Years Later is over?” has been a popular recurring question for years, and now I finally have an answer - I just can’t tell you yet! But it’s important for me to let you know that despite the large amount of content we’re working on that you’re aware of, there’s much more going on behind the scenes. So rest assured, we are ALWAYS working on something, whether or not we’re able to give updates. 
That’s all I got to say for now. Thank you for reading! Until next time, Keep it Fizzy!
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imanopossum · 7 months ago
my henry headcanons 🗣️ don’t be surprised if i update and edit this post as i come up with more so feel free to check back in every so often!!
-autism 🔥🔥🔥this one’s fairly obvious and widely agreed upon though even my MOM said he was autistic 😭😭😭
-his favorite art medium is charcoals
-if he was in band he would play oboe, and piano in front ensemble during marching season. i’m a band kid and i say so. oboes are all gifted kids but you can’t march oboe on the field and let’s be honest henry would not survive summer band practices unless he was in front ensemble who dont have to march
-epilepsy, specifically a subtype called psychogenic nonepileptic seizures or PNES. this subtype is seizures that are caused by psychological distress or ptsd. fairly self explanatory
-asthma, this one just feels right i have no evidence but i feel it in my balls
-he loves ovaltine. evidence: captain midnight sponsored ovaltine in commercials, think ralphie and his annie cipher in a christmas story, also bc he had captain midnight ciphers
-he would always win at hide and seek with alice, he is thin and lanky and would have no issue hiding in some tight little spot where alice wouldn’t find him
-former gifted kid (relatable), shadow brenner in the vr game and louis himself said henry is “too smart for his own good”. his strongest subjects are biology math and literature
-he subconsciously habitually rubs at the scar on his hand. (ahaha i do that. i’m totally not projecting guys)
-picky eater, virginia does not gaf and continues to cook stuff she knows he doesn’t like
-he’s actually an animal lover bc he clearly loved the puppy he got for his seventh birthday and he was petting claudia’s cat before the mind flayer made him kill it and was so sad when he accidentally killed the rat that he actually hugged brenner like what bro was that desperate for comfort he hugged his abuser (stockholm syndrome.)
-besides captain midnight his favorite superhero would obviously be spider-man
-he’s a pisces (emotionally intuitive, sensitive, artistic, intelligent) tbh a fall or winter birthday feels more right for him and february seems pretty fitting CHAT I NEED THEM TO TELL US WHAT HIS BIRTHDAY IS I MUST KNOW I DONT EVEN CARE IF IM WRONG I JUST NEED TO KNOW
-he’d listen to hozier, melanie martinez (anyone ever notice crybaby and henry align almost exactly. abusive home-> trapped in a facility-> dying?/transformed into something nonhuman), ethel cain, pink floyd, poor mans poison
-he would get a coverup spider tattoo over the 001
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the-wip-project · 1 year ago
SloMo WriMo: Confronting Your Fears
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There’s a voice in my head. And it’s telling me to stop writing.
It makes me afraid, telling me that my writing is worthless, that there’s no point, that nothing I do matters. That I suck. That I need to check my ego, pretending that I’m any sort of expert in a position to give advice to others. That if I post this then I’ll be opening myself up to attacks by trolls. Why even bother? It says. No one wants to read your ramblings anyway. Why not just keep your ideas in your head? Where it’s safe?
If you’re reading this? It means that once again I’ve beaten the voice back and written anyway.
There’s a lot of names for that voice. Impostor Syndrome, The Critical Voice. The Inner Editor. Writers Block. (Yes, I am including writers block on this list.) The Superconciousness.
And like it or not, we all have a version of it in our heads.
Writers who write often and freely are not magically free of that voice. The only difference is that they (including me— most of the time) have learned how to corral and even shut out that voice.
How? Every writer has a different bag of tricks, but it’s not as simple as using a program that stops you from rewriting, or only writing in sprints. That can be helpful, but treating the symptoms without confronting the problem will eventually lead to failure.
First you have to pay attention to exactly what is that voice in your head whispering to you. (And don’t let it trick you into believing that it’s not like other inner voices, and is actually is helpful, or truthful.)
Everyone’s inner voice is unique, but if you find yourself:
Needing to do just a bit more research before you can start (even though you’ve already accumulated plenty of knowledge on the subject)
Endlessly editing a section (often the opening!) and never moving any further forward
Suddenly bored with a story even though you were excited to write it just a few thousand words ago
Frequently abandoning writing, and having a hard drive full of almost done manuscripts
If you find yourself frequently doing any of those things? Most likely it’s fear stopping you. Fear of what? Again, it’s different for everyone, but here’s some common ones:
What if it’s bad?
What if it’s made fun of?
What if I fail in my vision?
What if I offend someone (reasonably or not) and a twitter mob descends on me with pitchforks and torches?
What if no one wants to read it?
The thing is, on the surface those fears sound very reasonable. If you write something it could be bad, or stupid, or boring, or offensive.
So what should you do in the face of all these risks?
Honestly? There’s really only two options. Quit, or write it anyway.
Me? I’ve decided to face my fears and write anyway. I assume that anyone reading this wants to do that too.
But how?
In the end it comes down to awareness, and permission.
Here’s how it works for me. I get an idea: What if it’s like Leverage, but in SPACE!!!(but in space is a common idea I have lol) I start writing: This is exciting! Writing an ensemble cast is a fun new challenge! And then suddenly I feel like I’ve hit a wall: This sucks. The characters are boring and hackneyed. No one will ever want to read it. How would I even market something like this? Why am I writing this? I should just quit. I have a different idea that’s much better anyway.
Sound familiar?
But ha! It’s familiar to me too. I know those negative thoughts are just the fear voice talking. So I face them: Fears? You might be right. It might be bad. But I’m going to write it anyway.
And I keep repeating that, reminding myself that it’s okay to write something less than perfect, that it’s okay if it’s bad, and that I still want to write this story, until the writing gets fun again. And it does get fun again. For me at least. I’ve had enough practice at this that the fears really only grip me at certain moments. Unfortunately if the fears have a powerful hold on you, you may have to battle them all the way through. Even if that’s the case, every time you beat them, they will get weaker.
And that’s it. It’s three simple steps.
1. Identify your fears, and how they stop you
2. Challenge the negative thoughts, and give yourself permission to write anyway
3. Keep writing
Easy to say, and hard to do! (Of course I’m not a mental health professional, this is simply my experiences. If what you’re dealing with is severe and/or harming you, please seek professional help.)
I'd love to know what you do to confront your fears!
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snapdragonsimming · 1 year ago
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Author's Note and Transcript Under the Cut
(AN: Hello! Thank you for stopping by and checking out my fledgling fundie simblr. I’m by no means new to simblr, but because this blog and story is new, I figure an introduction is due.
So: hey, I’m Talia! I had another fundie simblr a few years back (it’s now inactive for a multitude of reasons), but like a certain someone, I have risen again! My fundie sims obsession was reignited over the summer after I joined a wonderful fundie sims-themed Discord server. Somehow they convinced me to make a new blog, and a few months later, here we are! In the intervening years I continued to lurk, so if you’re an active fundie simblr, I’m probably a fan of your story.
I’ve been playing the de la Cruz family for a while now and they have a special place in my heart- I can’t wait to share them with everyone else! Get ready for lots of God-honoring drama, mildly dubious baby names, and leopard-print modesty undershirts. Note that as the de la Cruzes are fundamentalists and this story is satire-heavy, there will be some viewpoints expressed that I very much disagree with. I’ll trigger tag certain sensitive subjects (e.g. physical violence, miscarriages) as ‘tw [thing]’ but fundie-typical bullshit will go untagged for the sake of my sanity.
Some basic housekeeping stuff to wrap up this far-too-long intro note: I have a queue full of posts ready to go, but I’m a busy student with unpleasant things like homework and AP classes, so I’m still not sure how frequently I’ll post. I’ll do my best to ensure that stays consistent, though, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out via my askbox or DMs!)
Every Sunday, Praising Him! features a family dedicated to spreading the Word. Today we meet the de la Cruzes, a San Sequoian family of 16.
When Alejandro and Alina (née Fletcher) de la Cruz married at nineteen, they could not have imagined what would come next! Over the past twenty-six years, the couple has made faith the centerpiece of their lives, and has continued to “Praise Him!” through the ups and downs of busy family life.
Read more about their family below!
Alejandro, 45, works as a programmer at United Christian Publishers, and holds a Distinguished Degree in Computer Science from Foxbury Christian University. He began his journey into higher education not at 18, like many students, but at 26, shortly after the birth of his seventhborn, Cecilia! Owing to his unique circumstances, he chose to enroll in a six-year program that enabled him to work full-time as a freelance programmer in addition to his courseload. Though money was tight at times, the Lord provided, and Alejandro welcomed five bundles of joy (including a darling set of twins!) with wife Alina while enrolled at Foxbury. Whew!
Alina, 45, has chosen to fulfill God’s design for women by staying at home with her family. Raised in a devout household, she always knew He was calling her toward marriage and motherhood, and she says the “greatest blessing” in her life was the day she gave birth to her eldest son Gabriel, ten months after her wedding day and just shy of her twentieth birthday. In addition to raising and homeschooling the seven de la Cruz children who have yet to graduate, Alina is active in her church and in Institute for Strong Christian Standards (ISCS) circles, and enjoys spending time with her four (soon to be five!) beautiful grandbabies. A true Proverbs 31 woman if we’ve ever seen one!
You may recognize Gabriel de la Cruz and his lovely wife Esther, 23, from last summer’s print edition of Praising Him! At just 25, Gabriel is a rising star in the Christian legal world, coming to the aid of innocent Simericans simply trying to practice their faith. Ten months ago, they welcomed their first little girl, Abigail, and just last week they announced the upcoming arrival of their second child! Congratulations to them.
Althea Brown (née de la Cruz), 24, is following in her mother’s footsteps and proud of it! The young woman, who wed husband John-David, 28, three years ago, resides in Newcrest and is a content stay-at-home-mother of two.
Jasmine Booth (née de la Cruz), 23, known to friends and family as “Jazzy,” is enjoying the bliss of new parenthood alongside her husband of two years, Jason!
The first set of de la Cruz twins, Joshua and Sofia, 21, are both unattached and living at home. Sofia is pursuing a calling in missionary work, and Joshua is hard at work saving money and praying for his future family. “If you’re reading this as a young Christian woman,” Sofia jests, “have your father write into Praising Him! and I’ll set up a date with Josh!”
Caterina de la Cruz, 20, is diligently knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidering, and cross-stitching her way through her season of singleness! Though she prays every day for her Prince Charming (nonbelievers need not apply!), she assures Praising Him! that she’s quite content to assist her mother in running the busy de la Cruz household in the interim.
Cecilia de la Cruz, 18, the only unmarried de la Cruz not living at home, declined to comment.
The rest of the de la Cruz children, who range in age from 8 to 17, are kept busy with homeschooling, ISCS conferences, music practice, and Bible study.
If you would like to get in touch with the de la Cruz family, click here to send a message!
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contremineur · 8 months ago
It is being written in kitchens. It is being written in the limp light of cheap 40-watt bulbs, while beside you, slouched in a chair or marooned on the couch your lover or your mother sleeps. There is the smell of liver and onions in the air. Waves of garlic descend upon the paper as you write. It is being written beside cat boxes or with old black-painted typewriters whose keys continually jam. It is being written while hamsters breed, where cockatoos work their beaks against the cage. It is morning in Alsace, Louisiana. Two poets arrive in an old black car which diesels after the motor is shut off. They step out off towards the lawn and there are greeted by a third, who is very excited, and wants to show them something. It is being written in tiny cabins up near the Arctic Circle where were it not for the ambivalent howling of the wind one could conceivably hear and be frightened by and take for one’s subject the ambivalent howling of the wolves. It is being written by men who no longer love their wives, who hate their fathers-in-law, by women who cheat on their husbands, by thousands of people old and young who feel molested by life, or cheated by the past, or crippled in the present. It is being written by young girls whose feet have ungainly long second toes, by young men with brains instead of muscles, and whose faces are moonscapes of acne, by young men whose parents cannot even read the labels off soup cans. People walk up and down the aisles of groceries and eye the soup cans. Housewives in put-up hair, in beige, shapeless and wrinkled raincoats shift in their choices between this kind of cracker or that bread, their eyes dull and glassy or ferocious with unacknowledged passion. A boy is stooping to line up bottles of fabric softener, self-conscious and hot around the collar. And he is a poet. Women stand pounding the check-out registers, from soup to nuts, free dog bones, mastocelli noodles, and all with migraines. And they are poets. The manager sits in his tiny booth and counts receipts, now and then staring out over the vast panorama which is this voiceless, heartless, mute and lonely humanity, robot-like as they, passing, push their wire carts. Someday, he will write the great poem of their souls. It is everywhere this poetry. It is the sacred name of every place, it is the nut and bolt, the bleeder valve, the kite string of reality. It is the deep end of the pool, whose water shivers, whose bottom backs off into blue. It is the unsung, the unsaid, it is the uttered and the barely felt, the blue bird, the red. It is the ache at midnight, the slap in the face, the letter, neglected for so long, we were meaning to write to that which within us has waited, aching for so long.
Greg Kuzma, from an introductory note to What poetry is all about (Blue Scarab Press 1998)
This isn’t even the introduction. This is from a note preceding the introduction and the subsequent updated introductions, one for each edition of the text, up until an introduction to the fifth edition, which is the one I found in a treasure trove of secondhand books in Philadelphia. It was near closing, clean on the other side of Philly from where I was staying, and I was travelling out of the city the following morning. And I’m so glad I made the effort to get there. Because I found this.
previously posted by the 'no posts yet' sheherezade
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sundaysplayzone · 2 years ago
Commonly Asked Questions.
I get asked the same 3-5 questions all the time, so I thought I might make this new lil pinned post to help everyone out! But first, I want to thank you all for visiting my blog!
Do you take requests?
No, I do not.
Are your commission open?
Yes currently! Honestly now a days they’re almost always open. You can check them out on my website HERE!
Are you okay with gift art?
Of course! I would be flattered! If you’d like, you can find most of my characters here on toyhouse (I promise to update it soon!)!
How do you get the retro/vhs effects on your art?
I actually made a tutorial on that here! But honestly at the end of the day it’s a lot of “I plug this picture into several different apps and video editing software.” I wish I could give you a simple answer, but there is no easy way to do it that’s the same every time. I rarely if ever do it the same way back to back. Some colors look better when edited in Photoshop, some in Photomosh Pro. I pay almost $100 a month to have access to all of the software I use to make these effects because it’s part of my job. But luckily you can find so many free tutorials and apps out there, you just need to be curious and try new things!
What do you use to draw?
Another vague answer whoo! Sorry, but I use so many things to draw! But usually it’s sketch/ink/color/shade in Paint Tool Sai, and then move it to Photoshop to add the background, effects and details. I also use Procreate and Clip Studio from time to time. When it comes to traditional, it’s usually standard cardstock or a mixed media sketchbook. Then I draw and color with microns, copic pens, jelly rollers/gel pens, prisma colored markers and copic markers. 
Did you draw the backgrounds in your art? And if you use screenshots, where do you get them?
In the majority of my pictures, I use screenshots from old cartoons. I get these screenshots from the shows themselves. My friend is kind enough to set up a program that takes snapshots hundreds of times during the show. Then when the episode is over, they send them to me. I then spend HOURS, going through thousands of images and delete all but the good pieces. A majority of the time they take a lot of editing to be usable. I have to clean them up, remove character and scale the images.
This isn’t always the case however! I do often draw my own backgrounds! If you ever want to know, feel free to ask!
As for the more aesthetic/abstract backgrounds, I make those myself! I spent far too much money buying licenses and rights to use tons of different patterns and vectors. With those, I love recreating authentic backgrounds in the style of those seen in the 80s and 90s!
I see you draw a lot of Transformation/Chubby/(insert common movie trope here). Are you a fetish artist?
No, I am not a fetish artist. Do I draw art that might be someone’s fetish? Do I take commissions from people with a fetish for this subject matter? Yes, of course. But people need to realize, furry characters alone are a kink to some people. For me the difference is in how it’s drawn. And I personally do not draw my art in a way that sexualizes the piece.
I love drawing transformation scenes, people being swallowed by a monster, extra big tummies, but not because it’s something that I find hot. I just like drawing fun scenes. I get bored of just drawing a character standing in place all the time. I like drawing wacky scenes! 
A lot of my love for these come from cartoons. Edmund getting turned into a cat in Rock a Doodle. Hercules getting swallowed by the hydra. Kaa hypnotizing... everyone xD It’s just a story telling tool and sometimes it’s fun to draw! I’m not into hypno but I do like drawing big, colorful eyes. I’m just whatever about tf but I love drawing the swirling magic effects and the character changing from human to animal. It’s just cool to me!
In short, when I draw these things, it’s like I get to draw scenes from cartoons and movies in my style. It’s so wonderful to attempt to emulate some of the effects and details they used in movies from my childhood. It’s not about the hand changing into a paw for me, it’s the magical sparkles and how it’s so bright and vibrant compared to everything else. Where you see it go from hand to paw, that’s what I love drawing about tf art! Or being able to exaggerate the body and make a character look weighty by making them really round. Getting to draw a comically big mouth, giving a fun and interesting perspective shot. I think that stuff is so neat! Because it’s art!
I don’t care if it is someone’s fetish. I’m not drawing it in a way that’s sexual. Heck, it even says I wont in my TOS! Everything is G-PG here in Sunday’s Playzone! I’m not here to make that kind of content. It’s okay if adults have fetishes, and so long as you and others aren’t sexualizing my art, all is well!
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springy-springtrap0 · 10 months ago
Info/Intro Post?
Okay, so I’m Springy, but I also go by Roarie, Bee, or whatever my display name is. I prefer to only be called Springy unless you’re a close friend of mine, like @willowthefoxxo
My current hyper fixations are Rainimator (Mainly just Kane, Lance, Rain, Ciara, Stella, Nostra, Azura, Sir Patrick, and Sora); Garten of Banban (Mostly on the developers, Banban, Bittergiggle, and Syringeon); TACD (Literally just Caine and Gummigoo, lol); CG5 (Forever and always, because he saved my life); Undertale (Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Napstablook :3)Roblox Doors (Hmm, let’s see, Ambush, Rush, Seek, Figure, Screech, and….. that’s it).
I’m a panromatic furry, though I’m not sure of my actual sexuality yet, and I go by the pronouns of she/they. Follow me on Pixilart! (@/Roarie) I probably won’t post any of my art on here, not until I learn how to actually use this site, but Pixilart is definitely a place where you can learn a lot about me!
I'll most likely post links to Pixilart for whatever art I’ve made, and it should be free for you to check out that way, without an account!
I’m not religious, and I absolutely do not want anything to do with religion. I will happily talk about fandoms and horror stuff, but do not send me anything sexual or religious by any means, or you will be ignored.
I’m always happy to roleplay, as long as I can understand what’s going on. If your typing gets to be hard to read, the roleplay will not happen. I will roleplay anything to do with the following fandoms: Hazbin Hotel; Garten Of Banban; FNaF; Rainimator; TADC; Doors (Roblox); and of course roleplaying with OCs.
I also have a roleplay set where it can be anything. This means it can take place in any world (this is decided before the roleplay between whoever is roleplaying), and can include any OCs or characters from any fandom (the two roleplayers will decide their characters at the start, and can add new characters along the way as long as their fellow roleplayer is okay with it).
I’m not usually very consistent in how I post or what I post about, so you can always be prepared for anything at anytime with me.
I think that’s everything, and I’m pretty sure I can edit this post when I need to add or change something. If I can’t edit it, I’ll just make a new one! Anyways, bye! (Feel free to message me whenever, and I’ll try to respond when I can!)
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